Our Thoughts
What Makes a Trust Legal in New Zealand? Understanding the Requirements
Trusts are a valuable tool for asset protection, estate planning, and financial management. However, to be legally recognized and effective in New Zealand, a Trust must meet specific legal requirements…
Insurance Mythbusters: Debunking Common Misconceptions About Coverage
When it comes to personal insurance, myths and misconceptions can prevent people from getting the coverage they truly need…
Sri Lanka’s Long-Term Relationship with the All Blacks and New Zealand
Sri Lanka and New Zealand share a history rooted in colonial ties and mutual participation in the Commonwealth, but beyond that, there exists a unique sporting connection—one that revolves around rugby and the iconic All Blacks...
Understanding Accidental Injury Insurance Terms
Accidental injury insurance, is also named Specific Injury Cover, is a type of coverage designed to provide financial support if you suffer an injury due to an accident...
Understanding Mortgage Protection Insurance Terms
Owning a home is a significant milestone, but it also comes with the responsibility of managing your mortgage payments. Mortgage protection insurance is designed to safeguard your home...
Understanding Trauma Insurance Terms
Trauma insurance, also known as critical illness insurance, is designed to provide financial support when you’re diagnosed with a severe medical condition...
Starting a Home Budget: A Step-by-Step Guide
Creating and maintaining a home budget is crucial for financial stability and achieving your financial goals. If you’re new to budgeting, starting from scratch can seem overwhelming, but breaking the process down into manageable steps can simplify it…
Understanding the Importance of Having a Will
Planning for the future is a critical aspect of responsible financial management and ensuring peace of mind for yourself and your loved ones…
Serious Illness: Most can’t Pay Rent, Mortgage within Three Months
In New Zealand serious illness is 2.6 more times more likely to strike than a serious accident putting an earner off work for six months or more…
Remember to Live
Have you ever stopped and looked back on your week you have just had. Then wondered where it went and whether you achieved what you set out to achieve….
If you already have Life Insurance you need to know about this
If you don’t have life insurance then you probably want to know about this… A pretty standard feature of most life insurance policies today is something that none of us really like to talk about: Terminal Illness Benefit…
11 Habits to Control your Money
The following is a summary of the best tips for consumers from Dr Adrian Raftery, senior lecturer in Financial Planning and Superannuation at Deakin University…
Do people really need Life Insurance
What are the chances….really? Well, the odds are pretty good for most of us that we will make it through our working lives, so that is good news!..
10 Reasons you’re not a Millionaire
There seems to be an impression that the only reason that people aren’t able to become millionaires is because they don’t work hard enough…
Family Income Cover
Would you prefer Life Insurance to pay the family an income?
One of the innovations in life insurance in recent years that remains a bit of a mystery to many is a type known as “Family Income”, or “Family Protection”…
Is Your Will Up-To-Date
Anyone with kids needs Wills or at least one Will. Let's say you’re married and you and your spouse are killed in an accident, who do you want to raise your kids?…